2017 International Conference on Energy Science and
Electrical Engineering(ICESEE 2017)
Oct.20-22, 2017.|Budapest,
Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
"I" building (IB 017, 018), 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungarian: Budapesti
Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem or in short Műegyetem), official
abbreviation BME, is the most significant University of Technology in Hungary
and is considered the world's oldest Institute of Technology which has
university rank and structure. It was the first institute in Europe to train
engineers at university level. It was founded in 1782.
IASED is proud to host a global gathering of theorists and experts in advanced
characterization techniques in the highly complex field of Energy Science and
Electrical Engineering. Join researchers, practitioners, and scientists in
discussion of the latest methods, research developments, and future
opportunities the ever changing field of Energy Science and Electrical
Engineering presents. Ever increasing energy consumption pose both a large
threat and an opportunity. Hear from visionary presenters on the extraordinary
growth and cutting edge developments currently under way in the Energy Science
and Electrical Engineering field.
Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the CPS digital conference proceedings
which will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and the CSDL, and sent to
be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, CPCI, Scopus,
IET and other academical databases, etc.
A selection of papers will be recommended to be published in journals.
Program Preview/ Program at a glance
Oct. 20: Conference registration + Tutorial(pending) + Icebreaker
Oct. 21: Invited Speech + Technical Sessions + Closing Ceremony
Oct. 22: One day Tour/ Halfday tour/Field trip
Paper Submission
1. PDF version submit via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/User/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Ficesee2017
2.Submit Via email directly to: icesee@iased.org
Email: icesee@iased.org
Website: http://www.icesee.org/