ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, research, experiences, trends and concerns in the field of Software engineering. In 2018 ICSE will celebrate its 40th anniversary, and 50 years of Software engineering – 50 years of tremendously successful promotion of research, education and practices in software engineering.

ICSE 2018 is coming to Gothenburg, Sweden. Science and research are a genuine part of the Scandinavian culture visible through the institution of Nobel Prize awards. In addition, Sweden hosts high technology companies in which software plays an essential part.

Town Gothenburg with its two internationally renown universities, with many ICT and ICT-related companies, with many cultural attractions, impressive modern infrastructure including the Scandinavian largest convention center, and surrounding beautiful nature is welcoming ICSE participants!

Goal and Scope
ICSE is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, outcomes, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering. We invite submissions of high quality research papers that describe original and unpublished results on any topic of empirical or theoretical software engineering research.We welcome submissions addressing topics across the full spectrum of software engineering, broadly construed. In addressing the question of scope, we seek to be inclusive, provided that your submission addresses issues of concern to software engineering researchers or practitioners (or both).

Topics of interest to ICSE 2018 include (but are certainly not limited to):

- Agile software development - Apps and app store analysis
- Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems - Cloud computing
- Component-based software engineering - Configuration management and deployment
- Crowd sourced software engineering - Cyber physical systems
- Debugging, fault localization, and repair - Dependability, safety, and reliability
- Distributed and collaborative software engineering - Embedded software
- Empirical software engineering - End-user software engineering
- Formal methods - Green and sustainable technologies
- Human and social aspects of software engineering - Human-computer interaction
- Middleware, frameworks, and APIs - Mining software engineering repositories
- Mobile applications - Model-driven engineering
- Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems - Performance
- Program analysis - Program comprehension
- Program synthesis - Programming languages
- Recommendation systems - Refactoring
- Requirements engineering - Reverse engineering
- Search-based software engineering - Security, privacy and trust
- Software architecture - Software economics and metrics
- Software evolution and maintenance - Software modeling and design
- Software performance - Software process
- Software product lines - Software reuse
- Software services - Software testing
- Software visualization - Specification and modeling languages
- Tools and environments - Traceability
- Ubiquitous/pervasive software systems - Validation and verification