It is our great pleasure to invite you to the International Social Sciences Business and Management Conference organized by Taiwan Academy of Social Sciences (TASS). The theme of the conference is emerging social changes that result from new social dynamics. We invite academicians and scholars from all the relevant disciplines to submit their papers and ongoing research findings to this stimulating and exciting conference.
Aim of our peer-reviewed conference is to bring together the world’s leading scholars and opinion leaders and to increase our understanding of emerging scientific issues and research methodologies relating to business management, economic and social sciences. Please, engage freely in discussions, share your ideas and build relationships among the group of international researchers.
TASS believes that this academic event will surely promote better research in applied academics and facilitate networking opportunities for international scholars. The submissions should be made directly to the conference respective email address.
Conference Tracks:
We propose broad areas of themes covering many disciplines of business management, economics and social sciences that have the power to modernize almost every aspect of life. You are encouraged to select one of the areas listed below, but not limited to:
1- Social Sciences and Humanities
2- Interdisciplinary
3- Regional Studies
4- Management
5- Mathematics and statistics
6- Business and Economics
7- Physical and life sciences
8- Education
9- Law


Peer reviewed accepted abstracts will be published in the conference book of abstracts and provided, while the full papers will be published in the conference proceedings (optional). All selected conference papers will be published free of cost in our associated Google Scholar Indexed journals with unique ISSN furthermore, all the selected authors will be offered for publication in Scopus Indexed associated journals subject to the compliance with journal’s guidelines, terms and conditions.


One paper will be selected from each oral presentation session, and the presenter of this paper will obtain the Excellent Paper Certificate. All the selections will be based on the comments and marks given by the Session Chairs and Conference Chairs. The final result, certificates and award will be issued at Certificate distribution ceremony.

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