2017 4th International Conference on Communications and Network Engineering (ICCNE 2017)
Conference Web:http://www.iccne.org/
Conference Place:Florence, Italy
Conference Date:October 23-25, 2017

Call for Paper
Topics of interest for submission include any topics on Communications and Network Engineering
More details, please view:http://www.iccne.org/cfp.html

A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)
Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed in the International Journal.
B. Abstract (Presentation only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.
Please submit your papers/abstract directly to:iccne@asr.org

Paper Publication
Paper accepted by ICCNE 2017 will be published in one of the following Journals after review process.
Journal of Communications(JCM)
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication(IJFCC)
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks(JACN)

Conference Program
Oct. 23, 2017 Onsite Conference Materials Collection
Oct. 24, 2017 Openging Remark, Keynote Speeches(morning)
Oct. 24, 2017 Panel Oral and Poster sessions(afternoon)
Oct. 25, 2017 Academic Visiting or Tour (optional)

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