Welcome to the official website of the 2018 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (ICMSSP 2018). It'll be held during April 28-30, 2018 in Shenzhen, China. The aim of ICMSSP 2018 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing topics. This conference provides opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the conference results constituted significant contribution to the knowledge in these up to date scientific field. ICMSSP is a professional conference focused on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing. It provides a professional, direct and effective communication platform for the front-line researchers who works on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing. 2018年第三届多媒体系统和信号处理国际会议·将于2018年4月28-30日在中国·深圳召开。本次大会主要围多媒体和通信,多媒体信号处理,多媒体系统和应用等研究领域展开讨论,旨在为相关研究方向的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。 现热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。 Paper Publication / 出版支持 ICMSSP 2018 conference proceedings will be published in the International Conference Proceedings which will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, etc.. 本次大会接收的文章将出版在 ICMSSP 2018 会议论文集,并被 EI Compendex 和 Scopus 收录检索, 我们期待您的参与

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