The 5th International Conference on Developments in Renewable Energy Technology 2018 (ICDRET'18) will be held in Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal from 29-31 March, 2018. ICDRET'18 will provide a leading edge scholarly forum for researchers, engineers, and students alike to share their state-of-the-art research and development works, new ideas and breakthroughs in all areas of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs). Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers reporting original works as well as tutorial overviews. The submission deadline for full papers (within 5 pages) and short papers (2 pages) is December 31, 2017. Topics for regular sessions include, but are not limited to, the followings:

Energy Sources and System
  - Solar Energy
  - Wind Energy
  - Hydroelectricity Energy
  - Geothermal Energy
  - Biomass Conversion
  - Biofuel
  - Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
  - Recycling
  - Wave Energy
  - Tidal Energy
New Trends and Technologies for RETs
Policies and Strategies for RETs
Energy Transform from/to RETs
Power Electronics Devices and System for RETs
Smart Grid Technologies and Application
Hybrid Renewable Energy System
New Approaches in Lightning
Energy Storage
Public Awareness and Education for RETs
RETs Equipment
Energy Management System
Environmental Issues of RETs
RETs Demand and Economic Growth
Policiy Constraints on Fossil Fules
RETs Market
RETs and Materials
Performance Analysis of RETs
Recent Trends and Advances in RETs
Safety and Security of RETs
Future challenges and directions for RETs

Important Dates:
- Deadline for proposals (special session): November 30, 2017
- Deadline for submission of full/short papers: December 31, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: Janaury 15, 2018
- Deadline for submission of camera ready paper: Janaury 31, 2018

Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

Some papers will be selected for possible publications in peer-reviewed journals after the symposium.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: December 31, 2017
Acceptance Notification: January 15, 2018
Camera ready submission: January 31, 2018

For more details please refer to the conference website: