Sustainable Minerals ‘18 conf-id-2153 Dates of Conference: June 14-15, 2018 Address of Event: Western Bypass, Pioneer Park, Windhoek, Namibia Location: Windhoek Country Club Resort, Namibia Deadline for Submission: Although the deadline for abstracts was December 31, 2017, if you are interested in presenting a paper please submit a short abstract, of no more than 150 words, in Rich Text Format (.rtf) by email to Dr. Barry Wills as soon as possible. Submission Guidelines: If you would like to present a paper, please submit a short abstract, of no more than 150 words, to by the end of December 2017. If accepted, draft papers will be required. These will form the unrefereed Proceedings, which will be available to delegates on a USB memory stick at the conference. Copyright on these papers belongs to the individual authors, and not to MEI. Final papers should be submitted no later than one month after the end of the conference. These will be refereed, and, if accepted, published in a special Sustainable Minerals issue of Minerals Engineering, the world's #1 mineral processing journal. Corresponding authors will receive one complimentary copy of this special issue. All other delegates may purchase the special issue from Elsevier Science Ltd at a discounted rate. Conference Chair: Description: The rapid growth of the world economy is straining the sustainable use of the Earth’s natural resources due to modern society’s extensive use of metals, materials and products. An astute and conscious application and use of metals, materials and products supported by the reuse and recycling of these materials and end-of-life products is imperative to the preservation of the Earth’s resources. The realisation of the ambitions of sustainable use of metals, materials and resources demands that the different disciplines of the material and consumer product system are connected and harmonised. This conference will discuss all aspects of material and metal usage by considering for example (but not exclusively): • Acid Mine Drainage • Clean Technology (smelting, energy recovery, hydrometallurgical, etc.) • Coal Wastes • Effluent Treatment (biological and chemical methods for water purification) • Energy Recovery • Water use and recycling • Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies (LCA, metrics for sustainability, LCI, etc.) • Industrial Applications (novel technology, new methods, breakthrough technology, etc.) • Legislation (REACH, Basel, Stockholm, etc.) • Process Control (to monitor and optimize environmental performance of plants, unit operations, furnaces) • Processing of Industrial Wastes (slags, chemical, flue dusts, sludges, bottom ashes, etc.) • Recycling of Post Consumer Materials (car recycling, waste electric and electronic equipment, plastics, paper) • Tailings Disposal at mine sites • Recycling Systems (monitoring, take-back systems, etc.) • Recycling Technology (separation, automatic sorting, sensors, smelting, etc.) • Sustainability (from an industrial as well as consumer point of view) • System and other models for system optimization and Sustainability prediction • Carbon emission controls; case studies of existing methods to reduce emissions and new technology being developed such as carbon capture and storage • Efforts to reduce energy consumption in mining and mineral processing operations • Developments in geopolymers as alternatives to conventional cements. Contact: Jon Wills – Cost: REGISTRATION DETAILS Authors ………………………………………………… £475 Non-Authors …………………………………………. £545 Students* ……………………………………………… £365 The registration fee includes attendance at the 2-day technical sessions, lunches for the 2 days, Welcome wine reception, tea/coffee, delegate bag, and a USB memory stick containing the unrefereed Proceedings of the conference. Student registration should be accompanied by certification from Head of Department Key Dates:

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