Welcome to ICMIE 2018 2018 3rd International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics will be held in Lille, France during July 4-6, 2018. ICMIE 2018 features invited speakers as well as peer-reviewed paper presentations.The conference is completely open (one needs to register first), you will not have to be an author or a discussant to attend. However, if you do not want paper publication, you can register as oral presentation only. If you do not even have a presenation, you can also participate by registering as listeners. Proceedings Submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, relevance to conference, contributions, and presentation. All accepted (Registered & Presented) papers of ICMIE 2018 will be collected in the conference proceedings, which is indexed by Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science), Ei Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service, INIS (International Nuclear Information System), NASA Astrophysics Data System, SPIRES, VINITI Abstracts Journal (Referativnyi Zhurnal).