INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE, ECONOMY, AND MANAGEMENTBylaw RULES OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE, ECONOMY, AND MANAGEMENT Name of the Conference: The name of the Conference is the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE, ECONOMY, AND MANAGEMENT. Purpose of the Conference: To bring the researchers, experts, scientists, and practitioners working in the fields of Knowledge, Economy, and Management together; to provide an environment conducive to sharing, discussing, and spreading new information and opinions; and to ensure that scientific results are transferred to relevant organizations and institutions and are made available to the public. Logo of the Conference: The logo of the Conference is the letters WWW in front of the Earth rotating on its axis. This logo may be used in different compositions for each Conference; it may not, however, be changed. Date and Period of the Conference: The standard dates of the Conference fall around September – October. The Conference is held at least every two years but no more than once a year.. The Board of Directors may change the dates and period of the Conference if it deems it necessary. Committees of the Conference: The Conference has four main bodies: the Science Board, the Executive Board, the Board of Directors, and the General Secretariat. An Advisory Committee and/or Honorary Committee may be formed if so required by the Board of Directors. Duties and powers of existing bodies may not be transferred to bodies that formed at a later time. Scientific Board: Consists of academicians and practitioners with advanced degrees who have conducted academic studies and who contribute (or who may contribute) to the improvement of the Conference. Scientific Board members are appointed by the Board of Directors following recommendations by the Executive Committee; the Scientific Board consists of a new panel of members every Conference. Members of the Board are automatic members of the Science Board. The standard dates of the Conference fall around September – October. The Conference is held at least every two years but no more than once a year.. The Board of Directors may change the dates and period of the Conference if it deems it necessary. Duties and powers: -To propose key issues to be presented at the Conference -To assess declaration proposals according to the procedure set out by the Executive Committee -To assess the declaration texts -To supervise the sessions in concordance with the instructions from the Board of Directors -To carry out activities that will promote the Conference and increase the participation of academicians -To make scientific suggestions to the bodies of the Conference The standard dates of the Conference fall around September – October. The Conference is held at least every two years but no more than once a year.. The Board of Directors may change the dates and period of the Conference if it deems it necessary. Board of Directors: Composed of academicians who have contributed to the formation and improvement of the Conference. It is a permanent body and the top body of the Conference. Dean of the University in charge of the Conference are automatic members of the Board. Members of Board of Directors: Dean of the University in charge of the Conference Dr. Hüsnü Erkan Dr. Veysel Bozkurt Dr. Ali Akdemir Dr. Mehmet Altan Dr. Erol Eren Dr. Nihat Erdoğmuş Dr. Ömer Torlak Dr. İbrahim Güran Yumuşak Gatherings of the members of the Board are initiated upon the call and agenda of the General Secretary. A Chairman is elected at each meeting and the agenda is discussed. Absolute majority of the attendees is needed for a resolution. In cases split decisions, the resolution that Chairman votes on on behalf of the Board is considered valid. Persons who are not able to attend a meeting due with a valid excuse may assign other members of the Board as proxies. If it is not possible to gather in a physical location, member opinions may be taken via e-mail. Board membership expires upon resignation or upon the failure to fulfill any of the obligations for any reason. No replacement is made for the members whose membership is expired upon resignation or upon the Board's decision. The Board of Directors may elect a new member with the written proposal by 1/3 of the total number of Board members and with the consent of 2/3 of the members. Duties and powers: -To decide which faculty will organize and hold the Conference -To determine the date of the Conference as well as its schedule, which must be in accordance with the proposals of the Executive Committee -To make the final decision on the main issues and the main theme of the Conference following the proposal by the Science Board and the subsequent assessment by the Executive Committee -To determine the main criteria to be applied to the assessment of declarations and declaration scripts -To designate the members of the Science Board -To approve the draft budget to be proposed by the Board of Directors -To finalize any proposal of the Science Board and Executive Committee -To appoint the Secretary General pursuant to the proposal of the Science Board -To contribute to the activities that support the Conference and related works such as establishing research centers and publishing magazines -To cooperate with organizations and institutions operating in similar fields -To determine the rules and regulations related to the works of the bodies -To make decisions on the cancellation of Board membership -To form, whenever necessary, an Inspection Board consisting of three Board members and to determine the term and powers of this Board. Executive Board: Carries out activities necessary for the proper organization of the Conference in light of the assessments of the Science Board and the decisions of the Board of Directors. It is composed of academicians appointed by the Dean of the faculty in charge of the Conference. The Chairman of the Executive Board is the faculty's dean. The Chairman holds the title of Head of the Executive Board. The number of members and meeting rules we well as other principles are determined by the Chairman. The Secretary General also attends meetings whenever necessary. Duties and powers: -To propose and draft the Conference schedule and submit it to the Secretary General, who will then submit it to the Board of Directors -To ensure that the Conference is held in a venue with adequate accommodation facilities, a conference room, and other necessary amenities in order to ensure the highest participation possible -To establish a website containing all the information necessary for the Conference -To submit the banner containing the logo, date, scope, purpose, main issues, and the names of the members of the Science Board, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee as well as the names of other members of related faculties -To submit the declaration proposals and full texts to the members of the Science Board and to announce the accepted declarations -To distribute hardcopies of the declaration booklets at the Conference and to submit them to the administration and libraries of all universities -To allocate at least five percent of the Conference budget for the activities of General Secretariat -To determine the sessions and session chairmanships -To provide the members of the Science Board and Executive Committee as well as the Secretary General and session chairmen with accommodation facilities -To take Conference-related initiatives pursuant to the principles set out by the Board of Directors -To notify the Secretary General about all proposals regarding activities Honorary Committee: Composed of representatives of the persons or organizations who support the Conference. Members of this Committee are elected for each Conference. It has no duties or powers over Management and Execution issues (added to the Rules with the Board's resolution number 3 dated November 4, 2006). General Secretariat: This is the body that ensures the coordination, communication, and inspection of the Boards and Committees pursuant to the resolutions of the Board of Directors. It is managed by the Secretary General. The Secretary General is elected from among the academicians who have contributed to the Conference and is decided by the Board of Directors by a majority vote. His or her term of office is 5 years. Working principles and secretariat are determined by the Secretary General. The Secretary General may assign a maximum of two deputies if he or she finds it necessary to do so. Duties and powers: -To facilitate communication and coordination between the Science Board, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Board -To call the Board of Directors to meeting in accordance with proposals from the members of the Science Board, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Board -To determine the agenda of the Board of Directors and to record any resolutions -To inform all persons in charge of the Board’s resolutions -To follow up and ensure the implementation of the resolutions made by the Board of Directors -To attend to the Executive Board if necessary -To announce resolutions at the closing session of the Conference -To use the budget of the General Secretariat in compliance with his or her duties and powers -To create the archive and establish the website of the Conference and to transfer information to an electronic platform -To take any measures needed for the improvement of the Conference and to improve collaboration -To create protocols that are in compliance with Conference rules within the organizations in order to ensure the proper and regular organization of Conference -To represent the Conference before any organization -To apply to relevant organizations to generate funding for the Conference and to ensure that these funds are spent appropriately and solely for the purposes of Conference -To submit an Assessment Report about the Conference to the Board of Directors and to other relevant organizations Selection of the Faculty Whose Duty is to Organize the Conference: The faculty who wish to organize the Conference should pre-apply to the General Secretariat. They should be sure to submit their recommendations on schedule and to draft the budget and other relevant issues, in writing, to the Board of Directors at the beginning of the Conference. The Board of Directors selects which faculty shall be appointed to organize the Conference by considering whether its own financial and academic infrastructure is sufficient and then by considering the nominated faculty’s participation and contributions to previous Conferences. The final decision shall be made by majority vote and announced at the closing session. If the faculty designated to organize the Conference fails to fulfill its obligations, the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of the Secretary General, may appoint another faculty that had also made an application to organize the Conference. Change of Rules: Conference rules may be changed with the written proposal of 1/3 of the members of the Board followed by a unanimous vote. Issues Not Covered the Conference Rules: The Board of Directors is authorized to make decisions on issues not covered by Conference Rules. Effective Date and Authority: These Rules of Conference shall be executed by the General Secretariat as of September 15, 2005. Some important resolutions of the Board of Directors and the General Secretariat: 1- Appointment of the Secretary General: Dr. İbrahim Güran Yumuşak was appointed as Secretary General at the Board Meeting dated September 15, 2005 following the proposal of the members of the Science Board and upon the approval of the Board of Directors. 2- Non-Submitted Papers: Papers that have not been submitted by their authors without any valid excuse and that have been sent to the subsequent Conference are automatically rejected without being assessed, and the institution of these persons shall be notified of the situation (Board Resolution number 4 dated September 15, 2005). 3- Honorary Committee: The Honorary Committee has been added to the bodies of the Conference following Board resolution number 3 dated November 4, 2006. 4- The Journal of Knowledge, Economy, and Management: It has been agreed by Board resolution number 2 dated November 4, 2006 that preliminary works will be made to publish an academic journal that will be indexed by scientific datebases. 5- Cooperation with Cornell University: It's been agreed by Board resolution number 5 dated November 4, 2006 that an engagement letter will be signed with Dr. Risa Lieberwitz, the representative of Cornell University, so that the sixth Conference will be held at an international level. 6- Vice Secretary General: Dr. Tuncay Güloğlu has been appointed Vice Secretary General of the Conference as of December 12, 2006.

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