ARCS 2018
31st International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems

The ARCS conferences series has over 30 years of tradition reporting leading edge research in computer architecture and operating systems. The focus of the 2018 conference will be on architectures for robotics, autonous vehicles, and automation systems.

ARCS 2018 will be organized by the Chair for Chip Design for Embedded Computing (C3E) at TU Braunschweig.

The proceedings of ARCS 2018 will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series. After the conference, it is planned that the authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contribution for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture. Also, a best paper and best presentation award will be presented at the conference.

Paper submission: Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers on one or more of the following topics:
Multi/many-core architectures, memory systems, and interconnection networks.
Generic and application-specific architectures such as reconfigurable systems in hardware and software
Cyber-physical systems and distributed computing architectures.
Robust and fault-tolerant systems structures.
Architectures for robotics, autonomous vehicles, and automation systems.
Post-Moore Architectures, including but not limited to quantum and neuromorphic computing.

-Programming models and Runtime environments
Programming models, runtime systems, and middleware support for many-core and/or heterogeneous computing platforms.
Operating Systems including but not limited to scheduling, memory management, power management, and RTOS.

-Tool environments
Design methods and tools for real-time embedded systems.
Tool support for performance optimization, debugging, and verification.

-Cross-sectional topics
Organic and Autonomic Computing including both theoretical and practical results on self-organization, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, and self-protection techniques.
Energy- and power-aware computing, including green computing topics.
System aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive computing such as sensor nodes, novel input/output devices, novel computing platforms, architecture modeling, and middleware.
Applications of embedded and cyber-physical systems.
Autonomous and reasoning platforms.
High-performance computing.
Approximate computing.

All submitted manuscripts must conform to the Springer LNCS formatting requirements, see:

Manuscripts must be submitted online via EasyChair via the following link:

Further information about the conference and submission can be found here:

Proposals for workshops and tutorials within the technical scope of the conference are solicited. Submissions should be done through email directly to the corresponding chair:

Carsten Trinitis

Paper submission deadline
October 27, 2017

Extended submission deadline
November 03, 2017

Workshop and tutorial propsals
December 1, 2017

Notification of acceptance
December 15, 2017

Camera-ready papers
January 12, 2018

April 09-12, 2018

April 09/10, 2018

The conference will be held at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, from April 09, 2018 through April 12, 2018.

TU Braunschweig
Haus der Wissenschaft
Pockelsstraße 11
38106 Braunschweig, Germany