The IEEE International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications(INISTA 2017)has been organized since 2005. It aims to bring together the researchers from the entire spectrum of the multi-disciplinary fields of intelligent systems and establish effective means of communication between them. In particular, it focuses on all aspects of intelligent systems and the related applications, from the points of view of both theory and practice. Apart of the main track it includes work-shops, tutorials, special sessions and plenary talks by invited speakers.
The conference will be hosted in Gdynia, known for its picturesque seashore. Gdynia is a part of the Tricity, which also includes a thousand-year-old Gdańsk, Poland’s cultural gem, and Sopot, a health resort. INISTA 2017 is organized by Gdynia Maritime University, Poland, in Cooperation with Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, IEEE Poland Section, Polish Chapter IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and IEEE SMC TC on Computational Collective Intelligence.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, available on IEEE Xplore and submitted to be indexed in the WoS Core Collection databases. The authors of selected best papers will be invited to extend their contributions for special issues.
Details and all information can be found at the conference web site

Main topics:
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Artificial Neural Networks
Data Mining
Evolutionary Computation
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Genetic Algorithms
Hardware Implementations for Intelligent Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Applications in Biomedical Engineering
Intelligent Approaches in Robotic and Automation
Intelligent Approaches in Signaland Image Processing
Intelligent Approaches in System Identification/Modeling
Intelligent Control Systems
Intelligent Defense/Security Systems
Intelligent Life
Machine Learning
Memetic Computing
Natural Language Processing
Swarm Intelligence
Smart Sensors and Materials
Other topics related to Intelligent Systems


Honorary Chair
Janusz Zarębski, Rector of Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

General Co-Chairs
Piotr Jędrzejowicz, Poland
Tülay Yildirim, Turkey
Ireneusz Czarnowski, Poland

Special Sessions Chairs
Bülent Bolat, Turkey
Tutorial Chair
Banu Diri, Turkey

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Poland
Costin Bădică, Romania
Dariusz Barbucha, Poland

Publicity Co-Chairs
Iza Wierzbowska, Poland
Petia Koprinkova-Hristova, Bulgaria