CSR in recent years has gained its importance & is often discussed at the highest levels of companies in a variety of interpr etations as to what it actually means & the impact of company’s action on the society. The focus of the business schools invites considerations on current social issues by providing resources, ideas, consulting f or “B” school aspirants working to bring a gigantic social change for the good. In view of this objective SIESCOMS a responsible institution is continuously preparing itself for a change in its processes in creating socially responsible managers. As a part of its social commitment SIESCOMS has clearly understood the need for such an act & tried to enter into this area s ince last couple of years & has been putting all its untimely efforts in achieving the goal of building Indian Managers with global perspective by inculcating serious thoughts towards ana lyzing the social problems & making them feel the importance of their role as socially responsible budding managers. Besides, SIESCOMS students, undertake various social activities throughout the year by taking up specific projects for certai n concern causes & coming up with recommendations in collaboration with NGO’s. The institute has come out with this conference exclusively for the social sector. As a business school we believe in standar dizing, streamlining & scaling up whatever initiatives we under- take. While our existing social initiatives have got streamlined, we are now exploring new projects / areas that could be taken up to cater to the changing development sector. Under the above context, SIES College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS) announces the National Research Conference on “National Conference on Social Paradigms”. This conference will be held at the sprawling campus of SIESCOMS, on 3 rd February 2018. This research conference identifies key social issues. It will provide an opportunity to academicians, NGO / CSR partners & corporate to debate & discuss through research findings the imperatives on Social Paradigms & to come forward with suggestions to explore new avenues in this arena.