After a careful reviewing process, all accepted and presented papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published into Conference Proceedings by IEEE, included into IEEE Xplore, submitted for Ei Compendex and Scopus, like last few years.

Call for Paper:
Artificial Intelligence & ApplicationsAI AlgorithmsKnowledge-based SystemsCAD Design & TestingSoftware Engineering Techniques and Production PerspectivesRequirements EngineeringSoftware Analysis, Design and ModelingSoftware Maintenance and EvolutionMultimedia and Hypermedia Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering MethodologiesAgent-based Software EngineeringSoftware & System Quality of ServiceSoft ComputingSoftware and System Testing MethodsSoftware & System SecuritySoftware and System Security and PrivacyMobile APP Security and PrivacyEncryption Methods and ToolsSecurity Service Systems
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Submission Methods:
Full Paper (publication and oral presentation)Abstract (oral presentation only)
Electronic Submission System (.pdf) submit it via email:

Contact Us:Ms. Ching Cao
Tel: +86-13096333337

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