After double-blind reviewing, accepted and presented papers will be published by ICAPM 2024 Proceedings- IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series. which is indexed by ISI Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index), Scopus, Ei Compendex, etc.

Previous ICAPM
ICAPM 2023, IOP (ISBN: 1742-6596, Vol: 2532) (EI Compendex and SCOPUS)
ICAPM 2022, IOP (ISBN: 1742-6596, Vol: 2287) (EI Compendex and SCOPUS)
ICAPM 2021, IOP (ISBN: 1742-6596, Vol: 1936) (EI Compendex and SCOPUS)
ICAPM 2020, IOP (ISBN: 1742-6596, Vol: 1593) (EI Compendex and SCOPUS)... ...

Submit Way any inquiries, please be free to contact email:

Keynote Speaker
Prof. Naoyuki Ishimura, Chuo University, Japan;To be updated

Call for Paper
Advances in Instrumentation and TechniquesApplications of Microscopy in the Physical SciencesAstrophysics and Plasma PhysicsAtomic, Molecular and Chemical PhysicsBiomaterials Science and Biomedical EngineeringComplex systemsComputational Physics, Non-linear PhysicsPetascale computingPhysical ChemistryInverse problemsAlgebra and its application

Secretary: Ms. Rita Lau
Tel: +1-562-606-1057/+861-820-7777775

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