2017 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Science (ICSRS 2017)--IEEE, Ei Compendex and Scopus
2017 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Science
(ICSRS 2017) will be held during December 20-22, 2017 in Milan, Italy.
ICSRS 2017 is sponsored by *Politecnico di Milano, Italy*. And will be
held in *Politecnico di Milano, Italy*.
Paper Publication
All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published
into #IEEE conference proceedings#, indexed by Ei Compendex and
Conference Chair
Prof. Michael Pecht, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Bharat Bhargava, Purdue University, USA
Submission Methods
1. Full Paper (Presentation and publication)
2. Abstract (Presentation only)
Please log in the Electronic Submission System(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsrs2017)
or submit paper to: icsrs@outlook.com.
Lab visit will be arranged during December 22, 2017, as well
tutorial will be given by experts on System Reliability and Science
direction during December 22, 20.
Contact us
Ms. Caroline Miu
E-mail: icsrs@outlook.com
Tel: +861-3258-11111-7