This marcus evans event will provide case studies from leading banks who have placed data quality at the centre of their projects to achieve business objectives. Banks will talk through the data governance frameworks, infrastructure and processes needed for these projects to succeed. High quality and consistent data can be a bank’s competitive advantage. At a time when balance sheets are shrinking, banks should be focusing on improving the quality of their data systems and processes. Many banks are making the mistake of thinking that the main drivers for improving data quality are external factors related to regulation. This kind of thinking will never lead beyond doing the bare minimum. The true power of data is its ability to make business projects possible that were previously unattainable. Key Topics Improve data governance processes to better the quality of data in line with business objectives Weave data quality projects into the business to achieve buy in and the optimal team set up Streamline data platforms, formatting and dictionaries to achieve consistency and the golden copy Examine the benchmark for good data quality from the ECB and other industry practitioners Understand the role data managers play in dealing with GDPR and other regulations impacting data Previous Attendees Include AIB Bank of England Banko Santander Caixa Bank SA Ceska Sportielna A.S. Citi Commerzbank Compact Solutions Danske Bank Deutsche Bank IE ECB Euroclear Goldman Sachs Hellenic Bank Public Company Ltd HSBC - Global Data Services Invest Lithuania McKinsey& Company Inc. Nomura Raiffeisen Bank International AG RBS Riyadh Bank Standard Bank Group Standard Chartered Bank Swiss National Bank Synechron Business Consulting Ltd. Why Choose marcus evans? marcus evans specialises in the research and development of strategic events for senior business executives. From our international network of 63 offices, marcus evans produces over 1000 event days a year on strategic issues in corporate finance, telecommunications, technology, health, transportation, capital markets, human resources and business improvement. Above all, marcus evans provides clients with business information and knowledge which enables them to sustain a valuable competitive advantage and makes a positive contribution to their success.