Accepted papers of ICFL 2023 will be published into one of the following Journals based on the paper topic:
*International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET, ISSN: 2010-3689)
Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2021: 1.3), INSPEC (IET), UGC-CARE List (India), CNKI, EBSCO, Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
*International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT, ISSN: 2377-2905)
Abstracting/Indexing: Google Scholar; Crossref, CNKI, etc.
Please prepare your abstract or full paper according to one of the above templates. If you prefer one of the journals, please kindly send an email after your submission, indicating which journal you prefer. Email Subject: [submission] +"Journal name (IJIET or IJLT)"