-Should not exceed a total of 10 pages and 4000 words – 7
pages for the body which can include
charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. and up to 3 pages of references. The word count
includes all text in the charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. (excluding
-Abstract (not exceeding 200 words) should reach us latest by 15th August 2017.
Submission should
include a separate title page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the
author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing address, telephone/fax numbers and
e-mail address(es), title of the paper and up to four key words that describe
the paper. (This will not be counted in above mentioned 10 pages and 4000
-MS Word (.doc/.docx) is the preferred
file format. The title of the paper should be listed in the header of each
page. Please use 1.5 spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font and APA style of
referencing (Please check the url: http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa)
-Maximum of two (2) papers, either as an author or as a co-author, may be
-Only original, unpublished work is sought. Any paper submitted to present
identical or substantially similar work already published, under review for
another conference or publication will not bevconsidered or might be subject to
exclusion at any time before the conference.
-Please ensure to e-mail your submission with the Subject: “Submission for
International Marketing Conference on “Marketing for the Millennials,” and File
Name: “Title of Paper” for Blind Review Process.
-To preserve anonymity, author names should NOT be identified in header/footer
or in the body of the paper. Authors should be referred to in the text or notes
in the third person only.
-Review Committee: All proposals will be reviewed by reviewers.
-Only electronic submission by email to siescomsmarketing@sies.edu. in
will be accepted.