ICWPT 2024 Shining Points:
1. Accepted and published papers can be published in International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD, ISSN:2010-0264) . The journal is now indexed by Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CABI, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Electronic Journals Library, Crossref, ProQuest.
2. One Day Social Events will be organized in Berlin, Germany on 23rd July.
3. ICWPT 2023 was held in Frankfurt, Germany successfully during 17-19 August, 2023.

Submission and Contact Methods
Submission Methods: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icwpt2024
E-mail: icwpt@cbees.net
Tel: +852-3500-0137
Conference Specialist: Ms. Alice Lin

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