Yi Pan
We sincerely invite you to participate 2024 8th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT2024).It will be held at University of Saint Joseph, Macao, SAR China during September 14-16, 2024.
The rapid advancement and ubiquitous penetration of mobile network, web based information creation and sharing, and software defined networking technology have been enabling sensing, predicting and controlling of physical world with information technology. Every business process can be empowered, and therefore, various industries redesign their business models and processes along Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. The main purpose of BDIOT2024 is to provide an international platform for presenting and publishing the latest scientific research outcomes related to the topics of Big Data and Internet of Things.

★Call for paper★
Topic about:BIG DATA RESEARCH» Modeling, Experiments, Sharing Technologies & Platforms» Analytics, Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering» Data Center Enabled Technologies» Networking and Social Networks» Data Management for Large Data» Cloud and grid computing for Big Data» Data Mining and Machine Learning» Intelligence Artificial and data sciences» Information and knowledge management» Cloud computing and service data analysis
INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) FUNDAMENTALS & APPLICATIONS» Software Architecture and Middleware» Performance Evaluation and Modeling» Networking and Communication Protocols» Machine to Machine Communications» Software Engineering for IoT and IoE» Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches Data Analytics» Technological Focus for Smart Environments» Architecture for Secure and Interactive IoT» Social Implications and Ethics for IoT Intelligence» Systems for IoT and Services Computing» Sensor Networks, Remote Diagnosis and Development» Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems for Vehicles, Green Systems and Smart City» 6G-enabled IoT
For details about topics, please visit at

★ Publication
Accepted papers will be included into BDIOT 2024 Conference Proceedings, which is published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science) » BDIOT 2023 - ACM, ISBN: 979-8-4007-0801-5 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus» BDIOT 2022 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-9036-1 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus» BDIOT 2020 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-7550-4 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus» BDIOT 2019 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-7246-6 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus» BDIOT 2018 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6519-2 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus» BDIOT 2017 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5430-1 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)2. Abstract (presentation)
For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) abstract, please send it to contactbdiot@yeah.netMore detail about submission, please visit at

★★Contact:Ms. Vera Lee (Conference Secretary)
Tel: +86-181-2334-2942

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