Special session proposal submission deadline: 9th Jun, 2017.
Paper Submission Deadline: 9th July, 2017.
Tutorial proposal submission deadline: 25th Aug, 2017.

Call for Papers

The International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) is the main Australian Conference on computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and related areas. DICTA was established in 1991 as the premier conference of the Australian Pattern Recognition Society (APRS).

DICTA 2017 is co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). All papers presented at the conference will be included in IEEE Xplore. The conference will feature various prizes (e.g., best paper prizes), keynote talks, and tutorials. The conference venue is Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific at the iconic Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Image/video acquisition, coding, processing, and analysis
* Shape and texture analysis
* Surveillance, defence and industrial applications
* Remote sensing and spectral imaging
* Astronomical image analysis
* Statistical and structural pattern recognition
* Computer vision
* Machine learning
* Human-computer interaction
* Biomedical and eHealth applications
* Content-based image/video retrieval and image/video databases

Paper Submission deadline: 9th July 2017
Notice of Acceptance: 25th August 2017

Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages according to the guidelines on the conference website. The peer-reviewed conference content will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. It is a condition of publication that accepted papers are presented by one of the authors. Presenters of accepted papers must register before the camera-ready deadline to avoid withdrawal from the conference proceedings and technical programme.

Call for Special Sessions, Tutorials, and Sponsorship

Special session organizers are invited to submit a proposal to the conference no later than 9th June 2017.
A tutorial session will be organized on 28th Nov 2017 (the day before the conference). Tutorial speakers are invited to submit tutorial proposals on interesting and relevant topics to the conference by 25th August 2017.
Sponsors are invited to contact the conference for the details of sponsorship arrangement.