This marcus evans event will enable institutions to gain practical insights in preparation for the approaching SFTR deadline in 2019. They will learn key strategies to collect and report the vast amount of data needed under the new rules. Finally they will understand the technical details and challenges to evolve their infrastructure and ensure they are prepared for SFTR reporting. With the deadline of the SFTR closely approaching in 2019, banks need to quickly adapt to a package of reporting requirements. While the system is similar to that of EMIR and MiFID II, it will cover a variety of new products that have never been measured or reported before. The amount of data to be collected is challenging, as institutions need to source and report data which was never collected before. Because of the particular focus on the MiFID II implementation, the industry has neglected the importance of the upcoming SFTR. Institutions need to prepare and develop a better understanding of SFTR requirements in order to make sure that their systems are ready for reporting in 2019. Key Topics Understand the practical challenges of the SFTR requirements Solve data collection issues to best comply with SFTR Examine the interaction between SFTR with EMIR and MiFID II Enhance reporting and reconciliation to best meet the SFTR Prepare your infrastructure to adapt to the new regulatory environment

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