The conference examines learning and teaching throughout the life span, from the most basic to the most advanced topics and for the full range of learners, including people with dyscalculia and other maths learning difficulties and gifted learners The Second International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths and Stats follows the highly successful 2015 conference. Mathematics should be understood in the widest possible sense to cover all aspects of mathematics, including number, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and the full range of applications of mathematics. The conference examines learning and teaching throughout the life span, from the most basic to the most advanced topics and for the full range of learners, including people with dyscalculia and other maths learning difficulties, gifted learners, mathematicians and 'traditional' learners. This should lead to cross-fertilisation between different areas of learning and teaching. The conference is also highly interdisciplinary. In addition to mathematicians, it should be of interest amongst others to psychologists, teachers, pedagogical and educational experts, engineers, scientists and social scientists. The conference is intended for all sectors of education and school based teachers and specialists are most welcome both to attend and participate either on one of the themed days or for the three day duration. Register early and take advantage of the very low rates. The fees and deadline are as follows: Super early bird rate: £250: February 26 2018 Early bird rate: £300; April 30 2018 Standard rate: £350: May 28 2018 On-site rate: £400 Payment link coming soon. Abstracts should be submitted to one of the following conference tracks: Motivation and maths anxiety Inclusive practice and learners’ particular requirements Effective practice - what does and does not work The use of technology to support learning, teaching and interaction between students and students and teachers. Extended abstracts should be 2-4 pages long. They should include author's name and email address; brief literature overview, problem or issue statement; problem or issue description; methodology (if appropriate) and results; conclusions; and an indication of how complete the work is. Abstracts should be single column A4, Arial 11pt text with 2-3 cm margins. MS Word, text and PDF files are accepted. Full formatting is not required at this stage. Authors should submit extended abstracts, proposals to There are a series of submission dates rather than a single date. However, there are advantages in submitting earlier, as the lowest registration fee will only be available until the end of March. Notification will be a month after the submission date. Abstracts for all the four tracks are invited to all of the submission dates. Submission dates: Monday 25 September 2017 Monday 27 November 2017 Monday 29 January 2018 Monday 26 March 2018