Keynote Speakers
Prof. Peter Cameron, University of St Andrews, UKProf. R. A. Bailey, University of St Andrews, UK

Paper Publication:
ICoMS 2024 International Conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by CPCI. Selected excellent papers will be recommended to be reviewed for IJAPM (ISSN: 2010-362X), indexed by IET INSPEC, Index Copernicus, CAS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, etc.Special IssueOption 1: Symmetry (IF:2.7,cite score: 4.9),indexed by SCIE, Scopus, EBSCO, etc.Option 2: Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (ASETMJ), indexed by MathSciNet – Mathematical Reviews, SCIE,Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.Option 3: Contemporary Mathematics, indexed by ESCI, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.

Topics including, but not limited to the following:
Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Control Theory, Cryptography, Fluid Dynamics, Game Theory, Integral Equations, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Chemistry, Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Analysis, Probability Theory, Scientific Machine LearningStatistics: Actuarial Science, Applied Information Economics, Astrostatistics, Biostatistics, Business Statistics, Chemometrics, Data Mining, Data Science, Econometrics, Energy Statistics, Engineering Statistics, Spatial Analysis, Image Processing, Medical Statistics, Psychological Statistics

Conference Venue:
Eusiness and Innovation Center, Instituto Empresarial do Tâmega (IET)Website: Tâmega Park – Edifício Mercúrio – Fração AC, Agração – Telões, 4600-758 Amarante

Submission and Contact Methods:
Electronic Submission System:
Tel: +852-3500-0799
Conference Secretary: Ms. Kira Yue

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