Welcome to the SSD 2018 The International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices 2018 is a forum for researchers and specialists in different fields of electrical engineering departments from leading reserach centers and universities around the world to present their research results and to share experiences with other attendees. On behalf of International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to extend a warm invitation to you to participate in SSD’18. Since 2001, SSD has grown substantially from a brand new conference with a strong vision to the SSD of today, dedicated to the advancement of electrical engineering research fields and their practice. Important Dates and Deadlines December 15, 2017 Regular paper submission (Extended Deadline) January 25, 2018 Acceptance notification February 10, 2018 Final paper submission IEEE SSD 2018 is organized as a multi-conference that includes the following four conferences. International Conference on Systems, Automation & Control (SAC) International Conference on Power Systems & Smart Energies (PSE) International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technology (CSP) International Conference on Sensors, Circuits and Instrumentation Systems (SCI) Each conference will take place within the framework of SSD 2018 and will include keynote lectures by eminent scientists as well as oral and poster sessions. In order to obtain information about the individual conferences, please click on the respective conference in the top row and select the suitable section on the left side. If available, conference specific information will be displayed. In any other case, the information valid for all conferences are shown.