Conference Theme: SMART CITY
Smart Cities will be bringing human society new economic benefits and delicate lifestyles. From safe streets, green spaces, to convenient transportation, a smart city provides the greatest urban living functions. However, it is also followed by risks and challenges as privacy concerns and increasing vulnerability of poor populations. APCBSS 2020 will be gathering the world's scholars, professionals and academics who are interested in following topics:
● Development of Virtual Currency
● Future Market Rules and Tariffs
● Emerging Business models and Management System
● Smart Services and Citizen Engagement
● Policy Legislation in Smart Cities
● Security, Privacy Issues and Impacts on Society
● Education Form Innovation Applying AI Technology

APCBSS also welcomes paper submission of the following topics:
● Social Studies
● Politics and Law
● Psychology
● Humanities and Culture Studies
● Business & Management
● Economics
● Education
● Communication
● Finance

Submission Deadline: September 23, 2019

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