Call for Papers

The 4th International Business Conference & Workshop (IBCW) organized by Association of Teachers and Researchers will take place on June 10th~13th at the Sunroot Plaza Hotel Shinjuku, Japan. The theme of the conference is cross-cultural aspects of business with the sessions focusing on different aspects of business and IT. The event will also include a special workshop on business innovation followed by a special networking event for the participants to establish connections with the academicians from all around the world.

This peer-reviewed academic conference aims to bring together the world’s leading scholars and opinion leaders and increase our understanding of emerging scientific issues and research methodologies relating to business and IT.

ATERA believes that this academic event will surely promote better research in applied academics and facilitate networking opportunities for international scholars. The submissions should be made directly to the conference chair at

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: Extended to May 20th
Full Paper Submission: Extended to May 20th
Conference Date: June 10th

Conference Tracks

We will have conference tracks in the following areas

Consumer Behavior
Business communications

Keynote Speaker

Adam Acar, Phd (profile)
Social Media in the 21st Century
Before joining KCUFS, Adam Acar, PhD, worked as a brand equity consultant for several global brands operating in Japan and lectured in marketing strategy at the International University of Japan. He wrote about online social networks as early as 2006 and published the first study in the world about Facebook and marketing. He is the author of several social-network related papers including “the antecedents of social networking behavior” and “Twitter usage during the Great Tohoku earthquake.”

Conference Program

Will be uploaded once the presentation schedule is finalized. You can see the tentative program below:

Day I
09:00am – 10: 00am Registration
10.00am– 10.30am Keynote Speech
10.30am– 12.00pm Parallel Session I
12.00pm– 01.30pm Lunch
01.30pm– 02.30pm Parallel Session II
02.30pm– 03.00pm Afternoon Tea Break
03.00pm– 04.00pm Parallel Session III
04.00pm- 05.00pm Parallel Session IV

Day II : Additional sessions, research methods workshop

Day III : Networking Event, member meetings (Optional)

Day IV: Tokyo City Tour (Optional)

If you wish to present on a particular day of the conference please let us know in advance.