In order to enable the knowledge and information accessible to everyone, Ishik University holds its annual conference on Educational Sciences. The International Visible Conference aims to gather researchers, practitioners, educators, and scholars with interests in any fields of teaching at all levels from around the world. The VESAL 2018 conference is designed to attract the research communities to promote connections between theory and practice and explore different perspectives on the application of research findings into different practices. We kindly welcome scholars coming from the international and local regions as well as teachers and prospective teachers to Erbil, Iraq. The VESAL 2018 conference aims to contribute to the region and educators through international experts and researchers. The VESAL 2018 conference plans to remain open to educational studies, language teaching and/or language-education related topics broadly defined, looking more closely into the current dynamics in the world between old and new trends, local and global tendencies, progressive and conservative views, stabilization and destabilization patterns, national and global identities. It is expected that VESAL 2018 conference will be a magnet for a significant number of front-ranking academics, professionals and policy makers working in the broad areas of environmental protection.

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