ICFMS 2017
2017 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2017)--SCOPUS,
Ei Compendex
Tokyo, Japan
Sep. 3-5, 2017
All the registered and presented papers will be published in the proceedings, which
indexed by SCOPUS, Ei Compendex (CPX) etc.
Agenda Overview:
Sep. 3, 2017 Participants Onsite Registration & Conference Materials Collection
Sep. 4, 2017 Conference Date
Sep. 5, 2017 One Day Tour or Acaedmic Visit
Setagaya Campus, Kokushikan University
Address:4-28-1, Setagaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Zip code: 154-8515
Topics of Interest for Submission:
Non ferrous metal material; Iron and steel; High strength alloys; Materials processing
and handling; Composites; Micro/Nano materials; ceramic…
More topics: http://www.icfms.org/cfp.html
Submission Methods:
Full Paper (publication and oral presentation)
Abstract (oral presentation only)
Electronic Submission System (.pdf)
Ms. Veronica Reed
Email: icfms_conf@vip.163.com
Tel: +86-137-3111-1131