It is our great pleasure to welcome you to participate in RSMPD2018. This regional meeting has grown from its infancy to become the premier regional congress in the field of paediatric dermatology. At our last meeting in Bangkok, we attracted an attendance of participants not only from the South East Asian region but also from countries in the Asia Pacific region. We hope to expand the Singapore meeting even further and endeavour to put forth a well-balanced programme. Based on our theme for this meeting “Shifting Boundaries, Fostering Collaboration”, you can expect the following : Presentations by international and regional experts Inclusive programme spanning the length and breadth of paediatric dermatology, covering novel pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions as well as updates on this specialty We hope that you would participate in this event which will offer you an opportunity to network with experts in this arena throughout the Asia Pacific region. ​ We look forward to welcoming you in Singapore!

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