The school executive must be prepared to deftly handle any number of potential crises. On any given day you may be put to the test and asked to protect vulnerable students, work with police enforcement, navigate precarious privacy and online issues that seem to evolve every day, keep bullying in check and maintain the safety of students and staff alike. The legal risks arising from each of those situations are real and serious. Prepare yourself to be able to handle any and all of them by gaining the sage guidance of legal experts. Session 1: Students at Risk and Your School's Obligations Chair: Kaylene Macnee, Principal, Pinehaven School The Vulnerable Children Act and Implications for Schools Overview of the Act and Children's Action Plan Educators as members of Child's Action Networks Implications for boards of trustees as employers Presented by Carolyn Heaton, Partner and John Goddard, Associate, Morrison Kent Lawyers Working with Police when a Child Discloses, the Family Court Process in Child Protection Cases and the Vital Role of Schools What to do you when a child discloses or you suspect abuse Immediate responsibilities and obligations Post-incident procedures School child protection policies Oranga Tamariki and the family court process Schools working with lawyer for child Family group conferences and the school's important role Presented by Shelley Stevenson, Barrister and Natasha Allan, Detective Senior Sergeant, National Coordinator Child Protection, National Sexual Violence & Child Protection Team, National Criminal Investigations Group Settle or Sue? Historic Abuse Claims in the Education Context Dealing with the current Government-run settlement process: what it involves, how it is run, what to expect as an outcome, and some comments from past claimants The litigation alternative: determining the defendant, possible causes of action, the court process, Legal Aid, and the difficulties of litigating historic claims In search of a better process: the need for independence and transparency, lessons from other jurisdictions, and reflections on what the future holds for historic claims in New Zealand Presented by Sonja Cooper, Principal and Courtney McCulloch, Associate, Cooper Legal INSIGHTS FROM THE EDUCATION COUNCIL: Prevention is Better than Cure: Using the Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession as a Positive Tool The new Standards and the appraisal process: resources available from the Council How our practice evaluators assess competence: the evidence we need from you The Code: What defines a teacher as a professional? Using the Code and Tribunal decisions to maintain professionalism Presented by Julia McCook-Weir, Lead Lawyer, Education Council Session 2: Privacy, Safety and Employment Risks in Schools Chair: Adam Lewis, Barrister, Harbour Chambers The Privacy Act: What Employers and Educators Need to Know The rise of privacy: recent trends A practical outline of your key legal obligations Understanding your risk and tools for managing that risk Likely reforms: guidance for the future Presented by Hamish Kynaston, Partner and Jennifer Howes, Senior Solicitor, Buddle Findlay Citizenship Online: Blurred Boundaries or Clear as Mud? The Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 Current digital challenges and risks affecting schools Managing and preventing incidents Developing a proactive approach to online safety and digital citizenship Presented by Anjie Webster, Education Advisor and Ben Thomas, Legal Advisor, NetSafe Bullying in an Education Law Setting What is bullying? Useful definitions Guidance from WorkSafe Guidance from legislation Overlap with: Health and safety obligations Employment obligations Student care obligations Options for addressing the issues effectively Potential liabilities for Schools and Boards Presented by Geoff Davenport, Partner, McBride Davenport James The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Obligations and liability for principals, teachers, boards of trustees and students Mental health and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Health and safety outside the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015: regulations, guidelines, contract and the common law Putting in place a policy framework for health and safety Presented by Peter Cullen, Partner and Chris Scarrott, Lawyer, Cullen - The Employment Law Firm