The 11th International Conference of HUSOC Network conf-id-1919 Dates of Conference: July 25-26, 2018 Address of Event: 239, Huay Kaew Road, Muang District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50200 Location: Chiang Mai University Deadline for Submission: April 30, 2015 Conference Chair: Description: Science, technology, and society Knowledge and new social conditions created by scientific and technological developments; anthropology of science and technology; literary studies focusing on science and future; history of scientific and technological knowledge; technology-driven society. 2. Machine and the post-human conditions The decentralized state or aspect of human quality and being, and their society which is fostered by machine, robot, and artificial intelligence; the non-humancentric issues and approaches of ecology, Anthropocene, materiality, object, animal, and spirit. 3. Education and learning technology Teaching, learning, educational policy, curriculum design, especially in the contexts of digital and technology-driven society. 4. Innovative, applied, and digital humanities Technological advancements and applicable aspect of the studies of language, narrative, storytelling, literary form and style, history/historiography, communication, the medium/media platforms; humanistic informatics; the politics of and the policy for the humanistic innovations. 5. The new capitalistic society The creative aspect of thinking and cultural production, creative society, creative capitalism, network and sharing economy, information society, post-Fordism. 6. Sensory, cognition, and aesthetics Sensorial and cognitive aspects in the humanities and arts; cognitive process, affect studies; neuro- and biological approaches to aesthetics; feeling, emotion, and sense-making; politics of aesthetic and emotion. 7. Human (im)mobility and infrastructure All kinds of human and non-human movements through geocultural spaces and the infrastructure such as road, rail, river, and others; the inability to move or become mobile due to social and political constraints and social structure; the motifs of crossing, arriving, and departing. 8. Physical and social threat and (in)security Physical threats created from war, insurgency, crime, and violence; Other forms of threats and (in)security caused by shortages of food, water, natural resources, the effect of ecological change. 9. The digital native/immigrant generations Any issues related to the generations of digital native or digital immigrant, especially the conflicts or the problems the two group might have, and how they or society solves or copes with them. Submission Guidelines: Contact: Faculty of Humanities Cost: General Student Members of the Institutions of the HUSOC Network $100USD $75USD Non-Members of the Institutions of the HUSOC $150USD $75USD Participants Members or not $35USD $35USD * Each presenter (or registration account) can give only one paper. However, if you need to present more than one paper, the additional paper presentation costs 1,750 Baht ($US 50) per paper * For presenter, the conference will ask for payment after your abstract has been approved and accepted. Key Dates: Abstract Submission September 15 – December 31, 2017 Registration September 15, 2017 – April 30, 2018 Announcements of accepted Abstracts January 15, 2018 Full Paper Submission (Optional for those who wish to January 15 – April 30, 2018 Have their papers appear in the online conference) Conference Dates July 25-26, 2018