★Conference Committees ※Conference Committee Chair Prof. Meng Joo Er, Dalian Maritime University, China
※Conference Co-chairs Prof. Changchun Hua, Yanshan University, China
※Conference Program Chairs Prof. Shaobao Li, Yanshan University, China
★Conference Topics Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: A.→ Advanced Intelligent Control: Intelligent control theories and methods, multi-agent collaborative control, sensor fusion in intelligent automatic systems; B.→ Robotic In-Situ Assembly and Manufacturing: human-robot interaction, intelligent reasoning, motion planning, multi-modal perception, automatic operation; C.→ Robot Grasping and Manipulation: grasping planning, grasp synergies, human grasping and manipulation modeling and learning, dexterous manipulation, in-hand manipulation, learning and cognitive development of grasping and manipulation; D.→ Vision and Navigation: SLAM, 3D vision, RGB-D Perception, machine vision, vision inspection, scene understanding; E.→ Bionic Robots and Technologies: Bionic materials, Mechanism, Ingenious structure; F.→ Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition: objection detection, and recognition G.→ Applications to Autonomous Systems: unmanned surface vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, spacecrafts, robotic systems, flexible manipulators etc.
★Submission Details Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icoias2023 Template: http://www.icias.org/IEEE-Formatting.docx (Note:a. Your submission will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee. b. Only Full paper submission will be published in conference proceedings if accepted. )
★Contact Us Conference Secretary: Ms. Yvaine. N. Yang Email: icoias_secretary@163.com Tel: +86-28-83533337

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