The 10th Int’l Conference on Smart Polymers and Sustainable Materials (SPSM 2026) will be held during January 9-11, 2026 in Sanya, China. You are invited to submit papers/abstracts and participate in our academic exchange.

The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Self-Healing Polymers
Shape-Memory Polymers (SMPs)
Biodegradable and Compostable Polymers
Conductive and Electroactive Polymers
Smart Hydrogels and Responsive Materials
Bio-Based and Renewable Polymers
Photopolymerization and Light-Activated Smart Materials
Biodegradable Electronics and E-Waste Reduction Materials
Recyclable and Circular Economy Polymers
Superhydrophobic and Antifouling Materials
Thermo-Responsive Polymers
Carbon-Neutral and Net-Zero Materials
Smart Adhesives and Responsive Coatings
Green Synthesis of Sustainable Polymers
Intelligent Packaging Materials
3D and 4D Printing with Smart Polymers
Chemical and Pollution-Absorbing Polymers
Smart Textiles and Wearable Materials
Anti-Microbial and Self-Sterilizing Smart Polymers
Development of Sustainable Materials

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