3rd International Conference on Advancement in Business, Finance, Management and Social Science Abfms 23 - 24 آبان 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 13 آبان 1399
3rd International Conference on Education Economics Business and Social Science Research Eebsr 02 - 02 آذر 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 21 آبان 1399
3rd International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship, Business and Management Studies Sebms 21 - 22 آذر 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 11 آذر 1399
3rd International Conference on Hr Social Science Economics and Business Hrseb 29 - 30 آذر 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 19 آذر 1399
3rd International Conference on Communication Media, Education Research and Business Management Cmebm 19 - 20 دی 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 12 دی 1399
3rd International Conference in New Research Directions in Economics, Management and Social Science Research Emss 27 - 28 دی 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 17 دی 1399
4th International Conference on Advance Research Methods Techniques in Economics, Business and Social Science Rtebs 24 - 25 بهمن 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 14 بهمن 1399
2nd International Conference on Culture Communication Social Science, Management and Economics Studies Csme 02 - 03 اسفند 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 24 بهمن 1399
4th International Conference on Social Science and Multidisciplinary Research Dimensions Smrd 17 - 18 اردیبهشت 1400 UAE, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 11 اردیبهشت 1400
3rd International Conference on Business ,entrepreneurship and Social Science Bess 01 - 02 خرداد 1400 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 22 اردیبهشت 1400