Fsser International Conference on Materialism, Growth and Development, Business Management, Social Responsibility & Decision Making 27 - 28 خرداد 1402 Kuala Lumpur, مالزی FSSER 17 خرداد 1402
Fsser International Conference on Business Ethics, Management, Economics, Humanities & Social Sciences Bes 03 - 04 تیر 1402 Langkawi, مالزی FSSER 23 خرداد 1402
Fsser 2nd International Conference on Banking and Finance, Management, Information Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences 17 - 18 تیر 1402 Singpore, سنگاپور FSSER 31 خرداد 1402
Fsser International Conference on Managing Technology, Business, Innovation, Social Sciences, Globalized Market and Industries Mbsi 24 - 25 تیر 1402 Kuala Lumpur, مالزی FSSER 12 تیر 1402
Fsser 2nd International Conference on Management, Sustainable Development, Multidisciplinary Studies, Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities Mdmes 14 - 15 مرداد 1402 Singapore, سنگاپور FSSER 03 مرداد 1402
Fsser International Conference on Resources Management, Agribusiness, Sustainable Development, Leadership, Social Sciences & Humanities Rass 21 - 22 مرداد 1402 Kuala Lumpur, مالزی FSSER 10 مرداد 1402
Fsser International Conference on Communication and Networking, Linguistics, Education Management and Social Sciences 04 - 05 شهریور 1402 Langkawi, مالزی FSSER 17 مرداد 1402
International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research: Navigating the Future of Knowledge 22 - 23 اردیبهشت 1403 Bangkok, تایلند EAER 11 اردیبهشت 1403
Advancing Knowledge: International Conference on Education and Research 19 - 20 خرداد 1403 Bali, اندونزی EAER 03 خرداد 1403