Ebms-2023 3rd International Conference on Research Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education, Business Management and Social Sciences Ebms 28 - 28 تیر 1402 bali, اندونزی bire 03 تیر 1402
Amet-2023 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Applied Management Research and Economics Theories Amet 01 - 02 شهریور 1402 bali, اندونزی bire 23 تیر 1402
Rbseit-2023 2023 International Conference on Current Research in Business Management, Social Sciences, Economics and Information Technology 28 - 29 شهریور 1402 bali, اندونزی bire 26 مرداد 1402
Ibseit-2023 2023 International Conference on Business, Social Science, Engineering & Technology 27 - 28 مهر 1402 bali, اندونزی bire 27 مرداد 1402