4th International Conference on Current Issues of Social Sciences and Business Cisb-july-2022 01 - 01 مرداد 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا CIES 23 تیر 1401
3rd International Conference on Recent Advance in Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics Research Seber-aug-2022 29 - 29 مرداد 1401 Athens, یونان CIES 19 مرداد 1401
4th International Conference on Marketing Finance, Hr and Social Science Mfhs-august-2022 29 - 29 مرداد 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا CIES 19 مرداد 1401
5th International Conference on Emerging Issues in Management & Marketing Research Eimmr-sep-2022 02 - 02 مهر 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا CIES 23 شهریور 1401
4th International Conference on Communal Issues in Social Sciences and Business Management Research Csbm-sep-2022 02 - 02 مهر 1401 Athens, یونان CIES 23 شهریور 1401
5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Social Sciences & Humanities Research Mpshr-oct-2022 30 - 30 مهر 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا CIES 20 مهر 1401
4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business , Economy and Social Sustainability Ebes-oct-2022 30 - 30 مهر 1401 Athens, یونان CIES 20 مهر 1401
4th International Conference on Innovation in Social Science, Arts, Education , Economics and Business Management. Issa-nov-2022 28 - 28 آبان 1401 Athens, یونان CIES 18 آبان 1401
5th International Conference on Transformation of Economics, Finance & Accounting Research Tefar-nov-2022 05 - 05 آذر 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا CIES 19 آبان 1401
5th International Conference on Business Economics Entrepreneurship and Management Research. Beemr-dec-2022 26 - 26 آذر 1401 Athens, یونان CIES 16 آذر 1401