6th International Conference on “innovative Trends in Multidisciplinary Academic Research” Itmar-2022 30 - 30 مهر 1401 Istanbul, ترکیه GI 20 مهر 1401
4th International Conference on Dynamics of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Dsshr-2022 30 - 30 مهر 1401 Istanbul, ترکیه GISSF 20 مهر 1401
2nd International Symposium on Engineering Management, Information System & Applied Social Innovation Emisa-oct-2022 30 - 30 مهر 1401 Amsterdam, هلند GIEAS 20 مهر 1401
4th International Conference on Process & Project Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Sciences Ppeit-nov-2022 05 - 05 آذر 1401 Bali, اندونزی GIEAS 14 آبان 1401
8th International Conference on “emerging Trends in Academic Research” Etar–2022 05 - 05 آذر 1401 Bali, اندونزی GI 18 آبان 1401
4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Business Economics, Social Sciences and Entrepreneurial Studies Rbese-2022 05 - 05 آذر 1401 Bali, اندونزی GISSF 25 آبان 1401
5th International Conference on Social and Management Sciences; Theoretical and Practical Approaches Smstpa-2022 19 - 19 آذر 1401 Singapore, سنگاپور GISSF 10 آذر 1401
3rd International Conference on Telecommunication, Engineering, Energy, Applied Sciences & Smart Materials Teeas-dec-2022 19 - 19 آذر 1401 Singapore, سنگاپور GIEAS 10 آذر 1401
9th International Conference on “innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice” Icmrp-2022 19 - 19 آذر 1401 Singapore, سنگاپور GI 11 آذر 1401
9th International Conference on “innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice” Icmrp-2022 19 - 19 آذر 1401 Singapore, سنگاپور GI 11 آذر 1401