3rd International Conference on Innovation Challenges in the Field of Social Sciences and Business Research (ifsb) 23 - 24 خرداد 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 13 خرداد 1399
2nd International Conference on Economics, Business and Social Science Research (ebssr) 05 - 06 تیر 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 26 خرداد 1399
3rd International Conference on Social Science Education, Business and Disaster Management (sebd) 27 - 28 تیر 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 17 تیر 1399
2nd International Conference on Advancement in Social Science, Social Entrepreneurship and Business Research Methods (assse) 02 - 03 مرداد 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 23 تیر 1399
3rd International Conference on Literature, Education Social Science and Cultural Issues (lesc) 24 - 25 مرداد 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 14 مرداد 1399
2nd International Conference on Business Management, Economics and Social Science (bmess) 03 - 04 شهریور 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 24 مرداد 1399
3rd International Conference on Cross Cultural and Regional Studies Business and Public Administration Crbp 21 - 22 شهریور 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 11 شهریور 1399
2nd International Conference on New Research Directions on Social Science Economics and Management Rsem 29 - 30 شهریور 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 19 شهریور 1399
3rd International Conference on Research Methodology Strategic Leadership and Social Science Innovation Rmls 25 - 26 مهر 1399 Dubai, امارات متحده عربی IBSSH 15 مهر 1399
3rd International Conference on Culture, Arts, Communication, Business and Social Science Cacbs 26 - 27 مهر 1399 Bangkok, تایلند IBSSH 16 مهر 1399