5th International Conference on Ict, Energy, Applied Sciences, Knowledge Engineering and Software Applications Ictkea-2023 18 - 19 اسفند 1401 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 10 اسفند 1401
5th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Advancements in Applied Sciences and Engineering Etase-2023 21 - 22 تیر 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 26 اسفند 1401
3rd Intercontinental Summit on Next Generation Computing Isngc-2023 20 - 21 اردیبهشت 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 14 اردیبهشت 1402
5th International Conference on Current Challenges in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences Research Cetas-2023 21 - 21 مرداد 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 29 اردیبهشت 1402
3rd International Conference on Computing, Software Engineering and Big Data Csebd-2023 30 - 31 خرداد 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 25 خرداد 1402
5th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Aecit-2023 11 - 12 آذر 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 25 آبان 1402
ane lee 5th International Conference on Industrial Applications, Engineering Technology, Bioinformatics, Design & Applied Sciences Iaets-2024 23 - 24 دی 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 24 آذر 1402
4th International Conference on Communication Technology, System Engineering, Robotics, Software Technology & Applied Sciences Ctsest-2024 21 - 22 بهمن 1402 taiwan, تایوان esrdb 30 آذر 1402