5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Change and Innovation in Economics, Business and Social Sciences Ipes-march-23 20 - 20 اسفند 1401 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 10 اسفند 1401
5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Change and Innovation in Economics, Business and Social Sciences Ipes-march-23 20 - 20 اسفند 1401 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 10 اسفند 1401
5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Change and Innovation in Economics, Business and Social Sciences Ipes-march-23 20 - 20 اسفند 1401 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 10 اسفند 1401
Feast 5th International Conference on Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence & Technology Ait-2023 20 - 20 اسفند 1401 London, بریتانیا London 11 اسفند 1401
5th International Conference on Insights and Solutions for Business, Management, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Bmsr-april-23 19 - 19 فروردین 1402 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 12 فروردین 1402
Feast 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Information Technology, Building Design & Applied Sciences Iba-2023 19 - 19 فروردین 1402 London, بریتانیا Forum East 12 فروردین 1402
Feast 2nd International Conference on Energy, Engineering and Environmental Sciences Eees-23 30 - 30 اردیبهشت 1402 London, بریتانیا Forum East 20 اردیبهشت 1402
2nd International Conference on Cross-culture Approach in Humanities, Management and Social Sciences Ccah-may-23 30 - 30 اردیبهشت 1402 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 21 اردیبهشت 1402
3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Business and Public Policy Sspp-june-23 27 - 27 خرداد 1402 London, بریتانیا Forum RSSI 17 خرداد 1402
Feast 3rd International Convention on Software Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Applications Sic-23 27 - 27 خرداد 1402 Lodnon, بریتانیا Forum east 20 خرداد 1402