2nd International Research Findings in Social Science and Applied Business Issues - 2nd Sab:22 11 - 12 اردیبهشت 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا EIRA 31 فروردین 1401
3rd International Conference on Management, Social Sciences, and Information Technology 3rd Msi:22 23 - 24 اردیبهشت 1401 Paris, فرانسه EIRA 13 اردیبهشت 1401
3rd International Forum for Management, Humanities, & Sustainability Research - 3rd Mhs:22 30 - 31 اردیبهشت 1401 Rome, ایتالیا EIRA 20 اردیبهشت 1401
3rd European Chapter of Recent Researches in Business, Sustainability, and Social Issues - 3rd Bss:22 06 - 07 خرداد 1401 Athens, یونان EIRA 27 اردیبهشت 1401
2nd International Forum for Information Systems, Management and Social Sciences Practices- 2nd Ims:22 13 - 14 خرداد 1401 Lisbon, پرتغال EIRA 02 خرداد 1401
3rd International Conference on Humanities, Business, and Sustainable Developments - 3rd Hbs:22 20 - 21 خرداد 1401 Prague, جمهوری چک EIRA 11 خرداد 1401
2nd European Congress on Applied Business, Economics, and Social Sciences - 2nd Aes:22 27 - 28 خرداد 1401 Berlin, آلمان EIRA 17 خرداد 1401
2nd Global Congress on Recent Trends in Humanities, Economics & Business Research - 2nd Heb:22 03 - 04 تیر 1401 Amsterdam, هلند EIRA 24 خرداد 1401
4th International Conference on Management, Social Sciences, and Information Technology 4th Msi:22 12 - 13 تیر 1401 Paris, فرانسه EIRA 02 تیر 1401
2nd Global Summit on Arts, Management Science, & Social Innovation - 2nd Ams:22 19 - 20 تیر 1401 Barcelona, اسپانیا EIRA 10 تیر 1401