3rd International Conference on Performance Indicators in Business and Social Science Research Cpis-21 30 - 31 مرداد 1400 Amsterdam, هلند ARS 20 مرداد 1400
4th International Conference on Economic Growth, Business Strategy and Social Sciences Reforms Bssr-21 27 - 28 شهریور 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 17 شهریور 1400
5th International Business Management and Social Sciences Conference Imss-21 01 - 02 آبان 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 21 مهر 1400
4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Operational Research in Engineering, Manufacturing Technologies and Robotics Ormr-21 06 - 07 آذر 1400 Athens, یونان ARS 26 آبان 1400
5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Issues & Practices in Social Sciences, Education and Human Resource Ishr-21 27 - 28 آذر 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 17 آذر 1400
5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Issues & Practices in Social Sciences, Education and Human Resource Ishr-21 27 - 27 آذر 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 17 آذر 1400
5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Global Issues in Social Sciences & Business and Economics Gsbe-2022 02 - 02 بهمن 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 22 دی 1400
5th International Scientific Conference on Current Trends in Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applied Sciences Ceaia-2022 02 - 02 بهمن 1400 Barcelona, اسپانیا ARS 22 دی 1400
5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Arts, Law, Business & Politics Mealp-2022 30 - 30 بهمن 1400 Amsterdam, هلند ARS 20 بهمن 1400
5th International Conference on Computer, It, Robotics, Design Engineering and Environmental Studies Itres-2022 30 - 30 بهمن 1400 Amsterdam, هلند ARS 20 بهمن 1400