ISBENS 2020 is an international platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary researches. It will take place from June 23 to 25 in Okinawa, Japan. Aiming to change to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, we design several topics that could be developed according to innovation context based on the participant’s idea.


◆ Materials Engineering

◆ Control Engineering

◆ Mechatronic and Robotics Engineering

◆ Industry 4.0 & Automation Engineering

◆ Electrical & Electronic Engineering

◆ Nanotechnology

◆ Optical Engineering

◆ Environmental, Food, Health Science &Technology

◆ Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

◆ Innovation Management

◆ Computer & Information Engineering

◆ Other Engineering and Technology related topics

◆ Green Technology & Civil Engineering

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