The scopes of the conference are ranged from but not limited to:

21st century challenge to education: Skills for 21st century (roles and objectives of education), Inclusive education (formal and informal education). Learning assessment, New Learning/Teaching Models, Neuroscience in Education, Creativity in Education, Development of body of knowledge21

21st-century challenges to teachers’ education: Strengthening Teachers’ Profesional Identity, Teachers’ Development Program, Best Practice of Teacher Education Model, The roles of teachers’ Association, Accreditation system

Current Issues in Education: Guidance and Counseling in Education, Non-Formal and Continuing Education, Special Needs Education, Curriculum and Educational Technology, Quality Assurance/Standards and Accreditation, Educational Management and Leadership, Policy, Legal, and Financial Issues in Education, ICT skills and Digital Literacy, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education

Educational research paradigm in 21st century: New paradigm of educational research, Academic research projects, Research methodologies in education, Linkage between education and research, Collaboration models in educational and research

Educational and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Diversity of Learning, Education and Globalization, Multicultural and Peace Education, Impact of Education on Development, Empowering local wisdom, Ecology Education, Sustainable education
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