We welcome original papers (20 minutes in length, followed
by 10 minutes for questions and discussion), and posters (these will be
presented on a single session) on any of the subjects that come within the list
of conference topics below:
-Studies on bilingual education and multilingualism
-Linguistic policies in the European Framework for Higher Education
-Reconceptualization of methodological models
-(e)-Teacher training
-Innovation experiences in Foreign Language Didactics
-(e)-innovation in the European Framework for Higher Education
-Intercultural research
Proposals must be sent as email attachment to multiling.oviedo@gmail.com, or via
the website form (see below) before 30th September 2017, including a Word/PDF
file with the following information:
-Paper title and abstract (250 to 300 words) written in any of the official
languages of the congress (English, French, German, or Spanish)
-Author’s/Authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s); E-mail address(es); a short
biodata (50-150 words)
-Keywords: between 3 and 5 key words to specify the fields of the
Notification of acceptance of the proposals will be sent by 31st October 2017,
followed by an invitation to submit a longer summary (no longer than 8 pages),
to be published in the Book of the Congress (not proceedings). Registration of
at least one of the authors is necessary for the presentation and publication
of the proposal.
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