Over the past few decades, we are witnessing remarkable advances and explosive growth of new technologies that are changing the world very fast. Information Technology (IT) sector is indeed playing a significant role in facing the technological challenges of the 21st century. The impact of IT on every sphere of human activities is stupendous these days. This field has been playing vital role in our economical, social and rural growth. The change in Information Technology is racing by the hour with a new idea emerging at every small span of time. The eastern region of our country has tremendous potential for the growth of mining, metallurgical and mineral industries. It is felt that there is a strong need to give a new dimension in our efforts to catch up the rapid strides being made in technology. Therefore, it has been thought in greater interest to bring together all IT/Computer Professionals, Researchers, Academicians, Industry People and valued users on a common platform to discuss the current state-of-art in IT and its role in the global scenario. With this thought, the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ISM conducted two National Level Seminars on Recent Advances on Information Technology, namely “RAIT-2007” and “RAIT-2009” (sequel to RAIT-2007) in year 2007 and 2009 respectively. After the huge success of these two events, the department had decided to pull up RAIT series at global level and organised 1st IEEE International Conference on "Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2012)" followed by RAIT-2014 and RAIT-2016. Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2018) is the 4th IEEE International Conference that has been conceived with multi-disciplinary areas in IT, Computers, Electronics together with application areas of Mineral, Services, Telecom sectors that are strategically important for the overall economic growth of our country. RAIT-2018 is a step forward in this direction. The vision of the conference is to provide awareness about the recent advances in the Information and Communication technology, through tutorial, keynote addresses and pre-reviewed research paper presentations. The conference will also serve as an excellent platform for all the participants to share their views and ideas. Another endeavor of this conference is to collate and present the latest development in IT/Computer along with realistic assessment of the current status and trends.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.