All paper submissions will be reviewed by 3 experts. Authors should
remove personal details, the acknowledgements section and any reference
that may disclose the authors’ identity. Papers not satisfying these
conditions will be rejected without reviews. All contributions will be
written following the Springer template
The first anonymous version must be submitted in PDF.
Authors should submit an original paper in any of the following submission categories:
Full Papers (10-15 pages): full papers should describe original work
that have not previously been published and provide significant results
of scientific research. Presentation time for full papers will be 15
minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Short Papers (8 pages): short papers should describe innovative work
in progress, without significant results yet, that contribute to
well-founded research. Presentation time for short papers will be 10
minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Master/Doctoral Symposium (3-4 pages): Master or PhD students,
attached to programs related to Computer Science, are cordially invited
to submit their projects for evaluation. The Symposium is a forum in
which students will discuss their work with each other and with experts
in their area. Students will present and discuss their thesis and will
receive feedback to help them with their research plans. Students will
give a short presentation (10 minutes) about their work. After each
presentation, group discussion will take place. Each proposal must
contain: title, abstract, objectives and progress achieved.
Posters (2 pages): Works that include demonstrations of technology,
innovations or applications, clearly indicating their contribution to
Tutorials (3-4 pages): Someone interested in organizing a tutorial
should submit the proposal, including a description of the objectives,
audience profile, duration, table of contents, results and curriculum of
the lecturer.
Contributions can be written in Spanish or English taking into account that:
Accepted full papers written in English will be published by
Springer. Springer will be glad to publish the papers in Communications
in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.
Accepted full papers written in Spanish and accepted short papers
written in English and in Spanish will be published in a book (with
ISBN) created by Autonomous University of the West and San Buenaventura
University publishers.
Software engineering and IT architectures
Human-Computer Interaction
Security of the information
Image processing, computer vision and multimedia
Intelligent systems and robotics
Educational informatics
Information and knowledge management
Distributed systems and large-scale architectures
Formal methods, computational logic and theory of computation