First Announcement 15 th International Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Regional (Asia) ISBS Conference "STRESS AND BEHAVIOR: YAMAGUCHI-2018" September 9-10, 2018 Yamaguchi, Japan First Announcement 2 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW Main topics: • stress, fear; anxiety, PTSD, depression and psychoses • neurogenetics of stress • neuromediators and transporters, neurosteroids in the C NS • neurochemistry and neurophysiology of stress • neuropsychopharmacology and neuroendocrinology • experimental models of behavior • stress, memory and learning • psychophysiology and neuropsychology • psychoneuroimmunology • general psychiatry and other brain/behavioral disorders • neuroethology and human ethology • gene x environment interactions • translational research in biological psychiatry • biomarkers of stress Focus: The symposium will exchange and share the developing kno wledgebase of the molecular and genetic link between biological psychiatry a nd behavior/neurobiology, with the particular focus on stress caused by natural and social d isasters, abuse, social withdrawal, and the related stress-evoked neuropsychiatric disorders in general. Anyone interested in stress-related human or animal behaviors, neurobehavioral disorders and their mechanisms are welcome to join the symposium. Language: Conference working language is EnglishORGANIZING COMMITTEE Conference Co-Chairs: Prof. Allan V. Kalueff, PhD (New Orleans, USA), ISBS President Prof. Mamiko Koshiba, PhD (Yamaguchi/Saitama, Japan), L OC Chair International Program Committee: Prof. Mamiko Koshiba, PhD (Yamaguchi/Saitama, Japan) Prof. Shun Nakamura, PhD (Tokyo, Japan), Co-Chair Prof. Allan V. Kalueff, PhD (New Orleans, USA), Co-C hair Prof. Mitsuhiro Yoshioka, PhD (Hokkaido, Japan) Prof. Elliot A. Beaton, PhD (New Orleans, USA) Prof. Viktor M. Klimenko, PhD, MD (St. Petersburg, Russ ia) Local Organizing Committee: Prof. Shun Nakamura, PhD (Tokyo, Japan), Chair Prof. Mamiko Koshiba, PhD (Yamaguchi/Saitama, Japan) Prof. Mitsuhiro Yoshioka, PhD (Hokkaido, Japan) Prof. Ichiro Sora, MD, PhD (Kobe, Japan) Conference Secretary General: Nataliya A. Zinevych, IMC (New Orleans, USA), ISBS Secre tary General In Partnership with: ZENEREI Institute (Slidell, USA) The International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS) SELECTED INVITED SPEAKERS • Allan Kalueff (ZENEREI Institute, USA) • Mamiko Koshiba (Yamaguchi University/Saitama Medical Sch ool, Japan) • Shun Nakamura (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Techn ology, Japan) • Ichiro Sora (Kobe University, Japan) • Mitsuhiro Yoshioka (Hokkaido University, Japan) • Elliott Beaton (University of New Orleans, USA) • Viktor Klimenko (State Research Institute of Experimen tal Medicine, Russia) • Hirohiko Kuratsune (Kansai University of Welfare Scien ce, Japan) • Masaharu Tsubokura (University of Tokyo, Japan) • Hideo Yamanouchi (Saitama Medical School, Japan)
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